Tilda Publishing
Empower your growth with verified leads at your fingertips
Join a world of possibilities with access to over 80 million real-time verified leads. Simplify your outreach, enhance precision, and grow with confidence
Discover your next opportunity
More than just a database
Oxofly is more than a lead database—it’s your competitive edge in a crowded market. Here’s why savvy businesses choose us
Quick lead discovery
Unlock your ideal prospect in seconds: Precision lead discovery awaits
Dive into our dynamic lead discovery engine. With a few clicks, filter through over 80 million verified emails, pinpointing your ideal prospects effortlessly
No more chasing shadows
Our leads provide access to the most current data available, ensuring accuracy and reliability
Data that drives business forward
Accelerate growth with industry-leading data insight. Scale efficiently and outperform your market rivals. Transform your strategy into success with our unparalleled data depth
Get started now!
Real-time verified data
Engage with today’s data, not yesterday’s news
Our real-time verification ensures every piece of data is up-to-date, eliminating the frustration of stale leads. Connect with confidence, knowing that every email is a potential success story
Tailor, export and engage swiftly
Export custom lists designed to seamlessly sync with your outreach goals
Easy export of custom lists
Optimized lists: Export instantly to accelerate your outreach
Create and export custom lists that align perfectly with your business goals. Our platform adapts to your needs, from crafting targeted outreach campaigns to conducting comprehensive market analysis